Fees and Payments


All fees are Non-refundable All fees are charged in US Dollars All fees are subject to change
Returned Check $25.00 Any check or money order returned for any reason, including non-sufficient funds
Exam Re-scoring $25.00 The fee charged by the current testing vendor.

Replacement Wall Certificate

$25.00 Replacement cost for a new wall certificate.


COHN and COHN-S Application and Examination Fees
Category Fee Information
Application $150.00 Good for 90 days from the date of approval by the ABOHN office.
Examination $400.00 *Must be paid within 90 days of receipt of invoice from the ABOHN office and is good for 120 days.

International Candidates

(Taking the exam outside of the continental United States.)

  Contact the ABOHN office for pricing.
*If you fail to schedule an appointment and sit for your examination before the expiration date, your examination authorization will be voided and you will have to pay for another examination fee.

Examination Authorization (Extension)


One time - 60 day extension to the original 120-day authorization period.

There are two options for changing your examination date.

Option 1: Rescheduling

PSI allows for a 1 time cancellation and rescheduling for sitting for the examination during your specified exam authorization period. They require at least a 3 business day notification before the scheduled examination date.  For complete information, please see the COHN or COHN-S Handbook.

Option 2: Extension

IF you need to EXTEND your 120 day  examination period , you may purchase a 1 time examination extension.  PSI and ABOHN requires at least a 3 buisness days notification before the scheduled examination date.  You must contact PSI and cancel your scheduled exam date and then call ABOHN for the extension request and payment.

PLEASE NOTE:  PSI only allows ONE CHANGE (either exam rescheduling or an exam extension)  You may not do both options.

Yearly Renewal/5th Year Recertification $150.00 Please see the Maintenance section on the website.
Late Fee $100.00 If you do not submit your Annual Renewal Application and fee or your 5th year Recertification Application and fee by your expiration date, you will be charged a late fee for each year your are late.
Case Management Application and Examination Fees
Category Fee Information
Application $150.00 Good for 90 days from the date of approval by the ABOHN office.
Examination $250.00 *Must be paid within 90 days of receipt of invoice from the ABOHN office and is good for 120 days.

International Candidates

(Taking the exam outside of the continental United States.)

  Contact the ABOHN office for pricing
*If you fail to schedule an appointment and sit for your examination before the expiration date, your examination authorization will be voided and you will have to pay for another examination fee.

Examination Authorization (Extension)


One time - 60 day extension to the original 120-day authorization period.

PSI allows for 1 time cancellation and rescheduling for sitting for the examination.  They require at least a 3 business day notification before the scheduled examination date.  For complete information, please see the CM Handbook.

Yearly Renewal $50.00 Please see the Maintenance section on the website.
Misc. Fees
Inactive $100.00 Maximum of 3 years, approved in 1-year increments. Applies to all credentials.
Certificate $25.00 Replacement